Hello – and welcome to my practice    


My name is Jeanet Dongelmans. I’m a registered psychologist and have been practising in Utrecht since 2008. These are the main services I provide:

  • short-term help with specific complaints;
  • extensive psychological testing (for adults);
  • occupational rehabilitation after an absence from work;
  • conflict mediation;
  • coaching (both individuals and groups).

My expertise is based on my extensive experience with a wide range of disciplines and methods.
I use methods whose effectiveness has been scientifically proven, such as directive therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) and other techniques based on systems and communication theories. I constantly seek to hone my competences as a psychologist by undertaking continuing professional development (CPD) and by opening up my practice to peer reviews by the Dutch association of independent psychologists and psychotherapists (LVVP).

Personalised treatment

I believe in personalised treatment. That means treating my clients in a manner that takes account of their own specific situation and problems, whether work-related or personal. Using your own knowledge and reflection, I can help you to:

  • function in the here and now;
  • deal with past stresses;
  • enhance your ability to solve your own problems.


The intake procedure is fast and simple. It involves arranging an introductory or intake meeting shortly after you first contact me by phone or email. Therapy sessions are planned to take account of your work, school or family commitments. Courses of treatment are relatively short – a course consisting of between three and eight sessions is generally sufficient to enable you to continue under your own steam.
If it becomes clear during the course of treatment that you would benefit more from seeing a different type of practitioner, I will immediately advise you, and without any reservations, to transfer to the practitioner in question.


I will give you a rough estimate of the cost of your treatment during the intake meeting. It is always a good idea to check with your health insurance company beforehand, to see how much of the cost is covered by your health insurance policy and how much you will be required to pay yourself (see opposite).